Here is one of my recent projects that I am proud of: a ladybug princess canopy for Girl’s bed. Girl sleeps on a bed that was my husband’s when he was little. While wonderful, it is very masculine. In fact, it is going to become Boy’s when he turns 18 months. Anyhow, to girlify it, I made bumpers from fabric and interfacing that were green, and then I used two chiffon swags that I bought for five bucks at Goodwill to make a canopy. Finally, I made and hung two large red tissue paper pom-poms. I used my ginormous Sharpie marker to put spots on the paper prior to making the poms to make them ladybug-esque. I also took some scrap lace-style fabric and pinned it under the mattress on the long side of the twin bed to be used as a bed skirt. Girl loves it! I think it really adds something to the room, and it makes it much more girly for my little princess. I got the idea for the pom-poms on Pinterest (this pin) and StyleberryBlog. The pieces are hung by a regular anchored plant-hanging ceiling hook. I purchased the ladybug quilt online (here) two years ago for her big Birthday gift. In a few months when we move, I will purchase the full sized version of this set. Then she can simply get her “princess” rehung, and she will be right at home in our new location.