My three year old won’t stop saying “I can’t” lately. It is super aggrivating. I’m talking ANNOYING. Every time she says it, she believes it, and most of the time it’s not true. Most of the time she has everything tht she needs to succeed: knowledge, supplies, and support. She just lacks the belief in herself, or is too stubborn and doesn’t want to say “I don’t want to”. She’d rather be UNABLE than UNWILLING. It makes me question how many times I’ve told myself that what I wanted was not possible and it was not true, but I let my false belief hold me back. As kids, we get used to making mistakes and trying again, but somehow when we get older we figure we should just be right all the time. Nope. We are all children, and we all need to fail, work hard to learn, fail some more, look like an idiot, try harder, and finally succeed. The true scucesses are those that come hard, not those that come easily. The best teachers are those that challenge us, supply us with what we need to succeed, set us up for excellence, let us do it ourselves, cheer us along, and then celebrate our victories. Life can be a great teacher. God is the best teacher.

If we don’t believe in ourselves, no one is going to believe in us. If we don’t believe we can do something, we can’t. If we do believe it, work hard for it, and are kind to those that surround us, we can succeed. I’m trying to learn that, and my girl is helping me. I am even lucky enough to be surrounded by people who support me enough to say “HEY!” every time I start getting negative about my ability to conquor my challenges, just the same way that I give Girl “Time Outs” when SHE says “I Can’t.” She can, and so can I.

What dream are you putting on hold because you are scared or it seems hard? Do you have what you need to achieve it? What’s stopping you? Go for it.

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