The good moms out there put out all they’ve got. Creativity, finances, productivity, and physical exertion support our mission. We need to balance life, work, child rearing, personal time (::snarf::), and God bless us a love life. Married, divorced, single, widowed, whatever – you are still a mother. You have a home to provide on both emotional and physical levels. You have to have your hands ready to catch them when they fall, because they will. You have to be ready to feed them, clothe them, and keep them safe. You have to show them how to live their lives. You have to set the example, set the rules, and eventually set them free. You can’t imagine how hard the job is. You are a teacher, a friend, a confidante, a maid, a butler, a telephone answering service, a plumber, a groomer, a dog walker, a chef, a chauffeur, a computer technician, a disciplinarian, a banker, a fashion designer, a night watchman, a police officer, a delivery service, an assistant, a supervisor, and a child care provider. You do not get days off. There are no sick days. There is no relief, unless you do the forbidden and ask for help. On top of that goes your out-of-the home employment if you have any. If not, you have to be “on mom duty” 24/7. Good luck.

That all sounds like doomsday. But the truth is that there is no better job. You get paid in hugs and kisses. You get crayon drawings (sometimes on the walls sometimes on paper…). You get snuggles. You get scrunchy noses. You get dirty diapers which proves tummies are full and actually are relief. If you don’t get dirty diapers, it’s a bad thing. You get to understand why people let their kids scream in the food store. You get to see the early morning sunrise, because your Girl wants O’s and you’re the only one in the house that can reach.You get to be called first words in baby voices. You get to witness first everythings. You get to celebrate at recitals and on sidelines. You get to listen to them tell their stories. You get to sing little kid songs in the car, and listen to them attempt to belt out the lyrics to the country music you listen to as well. You get to play tea party again. You get to introduce your kids to Tag. You get to laugh from your soul. You get to hold hands. You get to spin and play “airplane” at the park. You get to bake cookies and make play dough snakes. You spend hours playing ball bouncing games and finger painting. You get to throw birthday parties. You get to go to Disney movies without excuses. You get to make friends with the other parents. You get to understand your parents better. You get to see the world from an innocent view. It’s all part of the gig.

So really, I would like to go back in time and pull that lady over. “Just a mom”… Yeah. Me too. I’m just a mom… Amongst other things. Whatever THAT means.