I have been accused of being a bit of a brand-snob. I don’t buy products JUST because of the brand, but I do appreciate quality products. Many times, these products can be a little more expensive, but they last longer, work better, and are actually able to satisfy the need that they say they will. From that point of view, I am happy to promote the Ergo Baby Carrier.

Taken by KTB 4 25 2010 at Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, WA

I was reminded about the excellence by WickedStyle, a friend of mine who recently ordered one and used it while traveling with her baby girl. This carrier is much more versatile than other carriers that I have seen on the market. It puts the weight of your child on your hips. It can be a front carrier, a back carrier, or a hip carrier. You can carry a child who is up to 40 lbs! My little girl is almost 27 months old, is in the 70th percentile for height and weight, and weighs just 30 lbs! If I wasn’t 9 months pregnant, I would still be carrying her on my back in this thing! The other carrier I have gave me back strain very quickly, and even headaches, because I was carrying her too high and placing the height on my shoulders. My hips are much more up to this task of bearing children! We have the sports version, but I truly believe that any one of them would blow the competition away. WickedHubby also is known to wear this pack and rock out the zoo or the food store with WickedGirl on his back like a monkey! It has made it possible to get things done when she is tired, because she will even nap on our backs when we need to move through a location quickly! Originally, we did not purchase the infant pouch. With WickedBoy coming soon, I believe this will be one of my few required equipment purchases. I am probably going to sell the alternate pack that I own, because I don’t know why I would use it when the Ergo is here. I love this thing, and would recommend it to any and all of my friends with children under the age of 3. Even if the child is walking, I have this in the car so that if she/he gets overly tired we can pull it out and finish up our errands. Good times!! Thumbs up, Ergo!