Today was a Mommy kind of Monday. I asked Girl a million times if she was still “dry” and whether or not she needed to use the potty. I reaffirmed that she would tell me if she DID have to go. I also forgave the one accident that she had while we were playing at the park because I understood how awesome of a time she had, and why she wouldn’t want to stop just to do something like go potty. I’m learning to see things from her perspective just a little bit more. Trust me, when I realized she’d done it, I gritted my teeth. She knows better. I’d asked, and she’d answered me several times, that she was dry. One mistake is a backslide, not an Epic Failure. That’s new to me. I’m not good at this try-try-again stuff. I’m realizing that I need to be. For both of us.

Today was a Mommy kind of Monday. I did lots of Mommy things. I brought my kids to the park to play with friends. I forgot my camera, even though my friend who we met there is an amazing photographer who could have given me pointers. Opportunity missed. She brought hers and got a few shots of the kids. I’m gonna go with Mommy needing the help of friends sometimes on that one. Hopefully, she got a good shot of Girl and will send it along. I asked some of my questions anyway, and will work on remembering my equipment next time. Lesson learned.

Today was a Mommy kind of Monday. I did lots of Mommy things. I made three dinners at the same time, while one kid slept in his swing, and another colored with dry erase markers on her toy. I didn’t even scream when I figured out that she also colored all over her own legs with said markers. I was thankful she did NOT color on the walls, and figured it was a sign that she needed a bath anyway. I was proud I finished my three meals (American Chop Suey, Shepherd’s Pie, and Chili with Noodles – all of which are coming tomorrow on Tasty Tuesday BTW. You’re gonna have to wait on the delish pictures though because Mama isn’t perfect and didn’t plate them. Made them right into Tupperware and put them directly into the fridge. Direct to leftover meals. Awesome.) I was happy Boy slept, and Girl was happy.

Today was a Mommy kind of Monday. I had to say no about ten million times to things like eating a candy cane right after we brushed our teeth. I had to watch her cry and storm around. I could have had her eat it, and just rebrushed her teeth. That would have been more fun of me. I’ll try to remember that more tomorrow. Maybe the better “no” choice I used today was when I said no to her petting the pekingese (small dog with smushed in face and long hair) that was at the park because I saw that it was not kid-friendly. That “no” was for safety. The dog was twitchy and could have gotten her good.
Yeah. That was a more appropriate “no”, even though she didn’t understand and went boneless as I had to drag her body across the park while yelling “get your feet under yourself” to get away from the dog while wearing Boy in a baby carrier on my chest.

Today was a Mommy kind of Monday. We watched a few too many minutes of television today. Oh well. At least we watched Little Einsteins and Curious George. We didn’t watch porn. We didn’t watch violence. We watched some kids on a mission to save the world using classical music and art, and a monkey who learns lessons relating to proper behavior, math, and colors through his curious mischief. Yeah, I could turn the TV off more and do some other things, but today I was tired and needed to rest. I did watch it with her, and didn’t just leave her to watch it alone while I did stuff elsewhere. Lets get real here people, sometimes a little TV in the jammies is just a rockin’ good time. Girl didn’t mind. She was ticked when I shut the thing off!

Today was a Mommy kind of Monday. I got frustrated, angry, relaxed, proud, productive, lazy, clean, dirty, and loved on by two amazing kids. I got a call from half way around the world from their father to let me know he loves me and is working hard to provide for us, and misses us while he is doing it. Lately, I’ve been getting frustrated because I don’t know what I’m doing sometimes. Adjusting to having two kids, no longer being pregnant, and figuring out my new normal isn’t easy… But I’ll take a Mommy kind of Monday every week, and be thankful to have the privilege.