I like to give thumbs up where thumbs up is due. While BabyBjorn is known and appreciated for their baby carriers, I think some of their OTHER products go under recognized. I LOVE their Soft Bibs! I tried SEVERAL different brands and styles of bibs, but these were HEAD AND SHOULDERS above the rest. They are the most durable ones that we have found. A simple wipe down with a wipe, the sink, or a magic eraser and WHA-LA they are ready to go! We have four of these babies, and we use them at every meal. I bring them with us on the road when we travel, even for day trips. They have saved many outfits, and catch more than any other bib that we have tried. She started using them as soon as she was on whole foods, and is two now. The original ones are still going strong. They are a great investment! (Hit up the two-packs if you can!) As you can see in the picture, I hang them on a towel ring for easy access and drying!

While we are wearing our Soft Bibs, we also use our BabyBjorn plates and spoons. These plates are great because they don’t flip over. Whenever a plate is the appropriate serving platform, these are what we use. We have five of them!! She eats right at the table with us, and these plates allow her to feed herself without her plate slipping and sliding around the table, or flipping over when she has to use the walls to get things onto her fork or spoon! (Heads up: Do not cut the food on these plates! It’s better to cut them on YOUR plate and move them over onto their plate. The plastic can become damaged if you use an adult knife on this plate.)

And after we’re done eating, we are quickly headed toward a potty training experience. We already are using the potty, when she feels like it. She loves her BabyBjorn Potty Chair. Soon enough, this will be a bigger part of our lives. We have two of them (one for each level of our house), and my parents have one for when we go to visit their house! Just think how many times you go to the bathroom in a day, a week, or a month. It’s an important piece of equipment! This one is very easy to clean and disinfect, and has no-skid traction on the bottom so that we don’t miss because of a slip! Potty Party at OUR HOUSE! 😀

Note: I have no affiliation with the BabyBjorn organization. I do not receive any financial gain from the sales of their products. I just like these products a lot! I also do not own their baby carrier. I love the one I have (wait for future post!), so I never purchased one of these…