Ladies and Gentlemen drum roll please!!!! WE MAY JUST HAVE FINISHED TRAINING OUR TWO AND A HALF YEAR OLD GIRL! While I am not comfortable saying we are done yet, after three days the girl is in pants and has not had an accident all day! She has gone to the bathroom by herself and taken care of business, and has asked to go! What a breakthrough. I tried to do this twice by myself while I was pregnant with Boy, and it just was not gonna happen. Period. Girl wasn’t ready, and I apparently didn’t want it badly enough. I wasn’t consistent, and she wasn’t interested. But now, I only have one child in diapers… again. But that’s ok since Boy is only 2.5 months old (and 16lb 6.79 oz. Big Guy…).

How did we do it? We followed the instructions that we got when we downloaded the online book 3 Day Potty Training by Laura Jensen. It wasn’t all that complicated, but it did try our patience. Luckily Hubby was home for the week, and I’ll be honest, he did most of the leg work. I sat with Boy and stayed out of the way. I cheered when she did something right, but Hubby did the hard stuff of paying attention and keeping her honest. The principles outlined in the book were exactly the same ones that I used when dog training in South Carolina. To a tee. But hey, it reinforced what I already knew and proved to Hubster that my way was “right”. It took until the end of the third day, but on day four of no diapers – we are good to go! If you do this method, get yourself at least 15 pairs of undies, be ready to do some laundry, have some games to play with the child, and make sure you’re ready to pay attention… In the end, the work is worth it to not have any more diapers though! Go Girl and Hubby!!