What system do you use to organize your life? I think everyone needs multiple systems, but the one I’m asking about today is your “to-do-appointment-coupon-information-at-my-fingertip” system… For the past five years, I have used what my husband affectionately calls my “pink thing”. In it, I write down all of my appointments and my to-do lists. I store stamps, coupons, and gift cards whenever I have them. Sometimes, especially lately with my mama-brain, I think that this thing is my external brain! I usually double-up and put my appointments into my phone as well, just to be sure in the event that I don’t have my handy dandy pink thing, I know where I am supposed to be. I know that a lot of people like the digital way of doing things (putting it all on an iPhone, BlackBerry, or computer), but I have had these suckers crash on me one too many times. Then I am left calling doctors, friends, and activity centers to try to figure out where I am supposed to be! Not good. I like a paper backup. I also like being able to lay out my schedule and list piles in front of myself to see how much I have to do, when, and how much I have already done. It has saved me on many occasions! Mine is from Franklin Covey. I was introduced to this system in grade school, and it has stuck with me through to adulthood. Why mess with what works?!

Note: I have no affiliation with, nor do I benefit from the sales of, Franklin Covey planning products. I simply like them, and use them, for my own personal organization.