When it came to organizing the playroom, I immediately knew that cubbies and bins were going to be required necessities. These kid toys come with way too many parts. Even for babies. Stackers, puzzles, blocks, legos… You name it, 10 zillion parts. SO, I went up to our local IKEA and invested in two sets of Expedit cubbies, then I went back to Land of Nod and got a bunch of bins. Looking back, these colors are pretty girly. I will probably have to get some more bins so that WickedBoy doesn’t get a complex when he realizes that all of his toys are stored in girly bins. I had some wooden tags that I tied to the bins with ribbons, and then took out my trusty label-maker to label the bins. Otherwise, only I would know here things went. Realistically, when WickedGirl empties several baskets at once, I don’t make a big deal about which toy goes into which bin. I simply untie the tag, and move it to the correct bin once I’ve sorted the toys :)!

Taken by KTB 8/13/10

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