Accomplished 8/22/2010

I just found out that this week is Anti-Procrastination Week. This is kind of ironic considering my “holiday” post last week! I started my “celebration of motivation” by picking up the playroom. I’d been dreading it, but once I got started it only took me 20 minutes! How will you celebrate this week’s motivational title?! Here are the projects that I have had on my “holding pattern” that are a “go” for this week!

– Creating/stocking a closet with a rolling shelving unit for WickedHubby to store his work gear.

– Consolidating and cleaning out (again) the craft, technology, and pet closet in the den. [Done!]
– Weeding the yard, putting the pots with the not-so-alive plants in the back yard, and learning to use the traveling sprinkler to rescue the lawn. [Done!]
– Cleaning the house in detail from top to bottom, so that I only have to worry about regular maintenance.
– Cleaning up the mess in the playroom. [Done!]
– Complete the digital backup of my laptop, including the upload of my photographs and videos to my online-backup sources and a full laptop hard drive backup to my external hard drive. [Upload/clean-out done, Backup tonight!]
– Pre-Blog enough to no longer fall behind (as if…) [Still trying to get up-to-date!]
– Enjoy some family time with the WickedFamily while we are all in one place! [Never done! This is a mainstay on my list, but gets procrastinated on too much!]

What are you going to do? What have you been leaving behind on your to-do list un-done? Lets get motivated and get these “I don’t want to’s” out of our lives!!