As we prepare for the arrival of our son, we also prepare for the arrival of our parents to celebrate the new addition to our family. WickedHubby came to me to show me THIS article that he found on one of his favorite blog sites (LifeHacker). At first, I didn’t think it was a big deal, but after consideration it offers a great idea! You simply open the file, fill-in the information requested, and print out a document that you can make available in your guest room for incoming visitors. This packet gives your visitors the pass codes required to access your household wireless internet, information about the area surrounding your home, your address, and other information to give guests increased independence. Where I will be in the hospital, and WH will clearly be distracted, this information will make things much easier. I have an acrylic holder that I am going to deploy to make this information available to our guests on the mirror dresser in their room. Great idea LifeHacker writer!