We are a military family. We move around a lot. When we were in Charleston, SC, my wonderful photographer (Jess Tyndall – Heartwork Photography) took a photograph of us walking away from her on the beach of Sullivan’s Island. A tradition was born. At each base, it’s my goal to get a photograph of us walking away in a typical area setting to signify our moving away from the area. The progression of these images will reflect the growth of our family during our stay. A couple of weeks ago, my friend Shelley (Finian Road Image and Design) blessed us with our Pacific Northwest shot. We won’t be moving until June, but this picture shows the addition of Boy, the growth of Girl, and the beautiful evergreen forest of this area. Shelley is a Christmas tree farmer as well as a super talented photographer, and these were taken between two of her fields. Perfect. Thank you to both of you for your artistic rendering of my memories. They will be treasured. Always. Oh, and someday, these photos will be displayed in chronological order in a hallway or staircase of my home when we retire/separate from the military. They are our story: captured.